Friday, December 17, 2010


For those people who know me, I bet you can guess who's this Miss Yasmin. Yes.. yes.. She's my friend, my BEST friend, one and only.

To Yasmin : "Hey, if you think you can write about me in your blog, well.. I can do it to :P"

Let me tell you about her from A to Z. I'll start with Standard 1, How we met? Through Aqilah. Location? Canteen sekolah. When? Awal tahun. And, OMG! I'm so jelous, you can wear pinafore. And tiap tiap hari kita makan Chewing Gum, you teach me how to make balloon with it. Thanks! By the way, about Ashraf, OhMyGod! Cut it off.. aku tak sanggup nak dengar. But, duhh? Kan kita balas dendam balik :D

Standard 2,That time, we're like BFF. Semua benda buat sama sama. Rehat, groupwork, balik sekolah, even.. Pergi tandas pun sama sama, haha! I still remember that 'Sparkling Aquarium' group kita buat, kena puji habis. We got A++!

Standard 3, Okey, here it goes. Kita bergaduh for months. Location? Bawah tangga. Okey, please.. I dont wanna remember that part. How did it end? Suddenly, I found a paper and decide to meet you, sebab nak lapor something. And, we're friends.. again

Standard 4, I'm sorry, for leaving you that year. I got my own GOOD new friends, but not for a long time. Sebab some of them pindah and the SELFISH-ness, so habis cerita pasal diorang. Time ni, kita tak rapat langsung, setakat Hi and Bye.

Standard 5, Hi Yasmin! Youre in front of me, haha! And do you still remember? Kita main Book Shop? Bergaduh lagi.. sebab semua nak jadi Cashier! About 3 months, lepas tu cikgu pindahkan kita duduk tempat lain mengikut nombor dalam kelas. Hi Yasmin! You're beside me.. again, hahaha! Sembang sakan ler :P

Standard 6, No no no. We're not BFF, we're CrazyBFF. We introduce Facebook to everyone. Datang sekolah je,
"Yasmin.. tolong hantar Cherry Tree untuk aku kat Farmville (on Facebook)."

Tapi waktu tu, dah habis UPSR. And then you realize about HER. Hamimah stalk her nametag. And, I help you to get her Facebook.

Now? Awww. Kita sekolah lain. And remember this, no matter how I look happy, I still can't forget about you and those crazy happy moments. Thanks Yasmin.. for the BubbleGum, I mean the Beautiful Moments and Experiences. Miss you most :)

p/s: Sorry bacause my blog takde lagu. Dah banyak kali try, tapi tak boleh. Nak tolong ajarkan? Haha! Nonsense xD

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Urgh Alya! I hope one day you'll read this and realize how annoying you are! And the worst thing is you've ruin my day. My sweet day. I thought I'm gonna spend my few minutes with my lollipop.
Okay firstly, I may sound a bit childish, because tak benarkan Miss Annoying Alya enjoy my precious lollipop. Duhh! Call me what you want but I still want that lollipop. Bukannya senang nak makan lollipop. Memangla harganya tak sampai RM10, but who cares? That's mine!
It's from Starbucks and it's Lemon! Yup, I'm sure. The only Lemon Lollipop yang available masa tuh. I keep that lollipop in the fridge dari pagi tadi. Hoping that I may enjoy this beautiful night with it.
Well thanks to Alya for ruin it. She exchange my precious lollipop with her Cherry Lollipop. Dah la tak sedap langsung, my mom pulak force me to mengalah. And Alya gave me an evil smile. Urgh! Dear Alya, get ready for.. whatever!
This is not my day! Why everyone asyik bela budak annoying tuh, dah la *toot*. I hope Mr dotdotdot boleh tenangkan my jiwa. Fuhh!
I really really really need a good sleep tonight. And if I don't, you.. Ah! Never mine. Just stop reading and go away. •̪●

Ciao! Sorry, I have no happy ending.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Introducing Me !

I woke suddenly. Hideous laughter rang in my ears. A red body danced above my pillow and its laugh, evil and dangerous, were enjoying my fear.

I pulled my pillow over my face.
And hit the evil thingy with my hand.
That was my phone hitting the the floor. (Wehh! Bawel!)
So, I wake up
And my life start!

I use my laptop.. most of the time, they're one of my Besties
What did I do? I play game la! Nak buat ape lagi
I'm not just a gamer, I got lots of facebook account and I create layouts!
I can also edit picture very well, so? You all jangan jeles xD
I'm now learning on how to use Photoshop!

Okay, this is me!

I'm always with my shorts and simple 100% cotton t-shirt. Especially those from Giordano
I love cap from Nike and I wear Converse shoes. I carry my bag and iPhone everywhere I go. And I wear watch from Casio, there are my favs.
(So? Can you imagine me?) Hehe

I read MrMidnight, Diary of Wimpy Kid and Science book?
I love shopping with my Mom! Because I always get ice cream and don't have to pay for it (Weee! Ice Cream Gratis!)
I connect with my Mom through phone even when kami tinggal sebumbung, malas? No no no.. It's a modern lifestyle, dear.

I eat Maggi in Cup and chocolate and also.. Cheese Cake!
Not always la.. Once a year (Heesh! Nampak sangat tipu)
I love Sushi! And If I get Yakult? I better minum secepat mungkin or else my brother will buat muka kesian die

At school, I stay in group (bukan geng budak jahat ea)
I will kill everyone who said I'm older than my Mom. Don't ever try to call me "kakak" !

That's it for now I got a date with Mr Facebook, lol
Anyway, if I keep typing, takut pulak nanti virus pun boleh masuk

Ciao Babe!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Getting Started


I didn't even finished my sentence. It's "Getting Started.. again?" actually. Well, Howdy fella! I'm not NEW here, so please respect me as an experienced user. Still don't get it? There, scroll down, my friend ask me these questions.. jenguklah :)

Okey, why did you actually re-blog?
Its because many people tak puas hati. Duhh? This girl got many haters. *heesh* Who cares? To my dear haters, who likes to kutuk me, thanks for making me the CENTER of Earth! *perh* Bangga! Bangga!

What happen to my last blog?
Ive DELETED it. Wakakakak! *cough* *cough* Sorry, my bad. Duhh? I got reason.

Don't you feel bad deleting your last post?
Nope! Not at all. Malah gue feel good. I dont't care how much I blogged before. Why? Beacause, I can type really fast. So, it doesn't make any difference. Jangan jelous ea? xP

*sniff* *sniff* Well, my hot cocoa is ready
Meet ya later fella!